ABC Clinical Trials Network: Services Designed for Industry

The ABC Clinical Trials Network: A Summary

- More than 125 Experienced Investigators

- Office and Hospital-Based

- Geographically Dispersed across the US and in Puerto Rico

- Primarily Cardiology, Internal Medicine and Family Medicine

- Combined Access to over 250,000 Patients

- Patient Population more than 50% African American (AA)

  • Approximately 35% of the Network has a Patient Population of more than 75% AA
  • More than 50% of Patients have Hypertension
  • More than 40% of Patients have Diabetes


ABC Investigator Recruitment & Support

- Site Recruitment, Feasibility & Pre-Qualification

- Site Start-up and Training

- Legal Contracts Services (including Budget Negotiation)

- Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment and Enrollment


ABC Diversity Consulting Services

- Scientific Leadership

- Protocol Review

- Trial Materials Assessment

- Trial Operations Support

- Community Marketing and Recruitment Support

- Investigator Recruitment

- Sponsor and Investigator Diversity Training


Please Contact the ABC via >email or (800) 753 9222 to discuss partnership and collaboration options
